Download Wintermute Engine Development Kit (approx. 15 MB)
This is the complete installation package. It includes the WME runtime, the editing tools, documentation, templates, demo projects and a scene tutorial project.
System requirements:
- Windows 98/98SE/Me, Windows 2000/XP/Vista
- DirectX 8.0 or later (it can be downloaded here)
- Approximately 50 MB of free disk space
- 3D accelerated video card compatible with DirectX 8
Note: Some of the additional editing tools require Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. You can still use WME Development Kit without it, but it’s recommended to install the .NET Framework. You can download it here.
Updates from previous WME releases and latest beta versions are available in the Announcements section of WME forum.
3D characters technology demo (in ZIP format) (approx. 3.6MB) - This demo demonstrates the real-time 3D characters support in WME.
Wintermute Engine demo (in ZIP format) (approx. 4.3MB) - This is a simple demo application built using the Wintermute Engine. Full source code of this demo is included in the Development Kit (see above).
More downloads
WME logo in PSD format - WME logo in high resolution for you to use in your game and/or on your website.
WME logo in vector formats - WME logo in various vector formats for you to use in your game and/or on your website.
Greek documentation - A complete Greek translation of WME documentation. Translated by odnorf.
Greek string tables - These files will translate ProjectMan and WME runtime into Greek. Translated by odnorf.
German string table - This file will translate ProjectMan into German. Translated by Holger Moshövel.
Chinese string tables - These files will translate ProjectMan and WME runtime into Traditional & Simple Chinese. Translated by Chernsha.
Italian string table - This file will translate ProjectMan into Italian. Translated by Slade.
Spanish string tables and Spanish ProjectMan hints - These files will translate ProjectMan and WME runtime into Spanish. Translated by Jose.
Spanish documentation - A partial Spanish translation of WME documentation. Translated by Jose.
Part of the WME documentation translated to Russian - Courtesy of Sergey Stepanov.